Wednesday 17 April 2013

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Golf Fitness: Mission to Hit it One Club further, and gain 20yds on my drive.

After playing my first tournament of the year earlier this month and hitting 15 greens and only two real bad swings I've decided that my swing is moving in the right direction. This inspired me to take on a new challenge in addition to improving technique. I believe that with the right training and diet I can gain at least one club more distance.

I'm going to base my gain on two clubs. Driver and 7 Iron. Currently I hit my 7 Iron on average (in English weather!) 162yds. One club more distance would therefore mean 13 more yards. This should translate into approximately a 20yd gain on my driving distance. Which would mean hitting 2 and a half clubs less into most par 4's. That would truly transform my game, 7 iron instead of 4 iron is a big difference. I will also be checking on my clubhead speed which averages 108mph with the Driver atm, I would like to get it up to 115mph, to achieve my required gains.

Will this be me soon??!

I'm starting today with a heavy legs session. Box Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts and Romanian Deadlifts. As I am already trained I am going straight to the power phase, anyone duplicating my workout will need to start with mobility and strength first. My numbers for squat and Deadlift today were 105 for 5 for squat and 140 for 5 Deadlift. This is an indicator that I haven't trained big in a while. I know that Lee Westwood can Deadlift 190kg for 1 so that is my initial target, I am about 25kg short of that at the moment. My box squat target is 135 for 5 giving me approximately a 150kg 1rep max.

 I am going to try to get a 5 day routine in place with Legs, Chest and triceps, Back and Biceps, Power shoulders and legs day and a Core day. This will be in addition to my golf conditioning class, spin and plyometric classes that I teach but also participate in.
Golf is an all body sport so I will be covering the whole body. One of the keys to my workouts is to include stretching during my rest time to maintain and increase length of muscles.

My goal date is 90 days from today to have gained the yardage. It's not long but if I work hard and eat well I truly feel it's achievable.

My blog will be updated regularly with updates on my progress and on the various workouts, supplements and diets to help along the way. Check out my golf blog for updates on my swing changes.